Experimenting Cities and Regions – LF2028

Conference Experimenting Cities
On the 28th of February and the 1st of March the municipality of Leeuwarden and the province of Friesland are hosting a small conference to explore the idea that – as a legacy of the 2018 cultural capital – Leeuwarden should aim to become an example for experimenting cities in Europe.
In this conference we want to look back at the development of the city since the successful bid for the Cultural capital, at the time of the opening of an exhibition of the 2016-8 EcoAcupuncture project for Leeuwarden by professors Chris Ryan and Michael Trudgeon from Australia. (The exhibition has been travelling via Melbourne and Hong Kong to Leeuwarden).
We want to look into the future from the Frisian perspective. The aim is to define a program of on-going experimentation in the city and province, to embody the legacy of 2018, and to address the environmental, social and climate challenges that will be so critical to survival in the next few decades.
We like to invite you on both days. On the 28th of February we will have a day to inspire with multiple speakers that will look at the idea and the need for ‘experimentation’ as a strategy to shape a resilient future and hear about the process of Eco-Acupuncture and reflect on its contribution to Leeuwarden-Frisland.
On the second day (1st of March) other speakers from across Europe will present experimentation happening in other cities and explore possible collaboration for a multi-city network of experimental, innovative projects. This will be followed by a workshop where the focus will be on the Leeuwarden and Friesland and its developments, where participants will brainstorm (in Dutch) about opportunities (and needs) for on-going experimentation – to create the starting point for a 2019-21 collaborative project.
Speakers present are Prof. Idil Gaziulusoy (Aalto University Helsinki), Prof. Arjan van Timmeren (Amsteram Institute for Advanced Metropolitan Solutions; TU Delft), Prof. Han Brezet (university of Aalborg; TU Delft) and senior lecturer Kes McCormick (Lund University). The exact schedule for the days will be published later, you will be kept up to date via mail. The conference is English spoken.
The conference will be at the Kanselarij, Turfmarkt 11 in Leeuwarden.
You can register for the conference through this link: https://goo.gl/forms/qD5hfLWnYt0Yeun23
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