
“Ultimately, sustainability needs to emerge in the everyday fabric of life – in the minds of people and in the values they live by. Such emergence depends on how and what people learn, both individually and collectively”
– Arjen Wals (WUR / UNESCO Chair Holder Transformative Learning)
On 8 February 2022 SPARK the Movement organized an interactive online meeting with regional, national and European educators around the question:
How can we mobilize the imaginative power of the region, thus learning together how to take up global challenges and focus on the local impact we can make?
Our conviction is that sustainability needs to be a part of the ‘everyday fabric of life’, as mentioned by Arjen Wals in the quote above. The region seems to be the most suitable level to examine day-to-day life and business. Together we develop the expertise needed to learn for sustainable development.
As we need to include everyone’s talent in the quest, contributions are made by artists, scientists and educational craftsmen, both young and old, regionally active as well as from members from the European RCE Network. And of course, with you!
9-12.30H (CET) – Boosting inspiration and energy
Power Lectures
- The Whole School Approach – How to develop a school that is able to embed
transformative learning for social and environmental sustainability?
By Arjen Wals - The Blue Delta Region – How to develop broad prosperity for future generations living in a rural European region?
By Klaas Sietse Spoelstra
Dialogue in Small Groups
Break-out sessions to bring in your ideas, good practices and shared understandings
Input from the RCE Network
Several 3 minute-pitches with inspiring tools from other European RCE Members!
Artistic Interventions
- Setting priorities right
By Daria Elizarraras-Veenstra - Rethinking
By Nants Schilstra
13.30-16h (CET) – Transforming inspiration into practice
Artistic Interventions
- This is your ancestor speaking
By Nynke Laverman
Inspiring Conversation
Attentive involvement in art & in classrooms
Between Lisette Bastiaansen & Nynke Laverman
Dialogue in small groups
Break-out sessions to bring in your ideas, good practices and shared understandings
Input from the RCE Network
A panel discussion with members of the European RCE Community